I was dying for a brief moment in time to tell you about my trip to Germany with my Doble Infinito Tote Bag, besides going to London for 4 days I travelled with my bf to Germany to meet some of our best friends who reside at Erlangen. Germany is so beautiful! We started this trip strolling around Munich! We made it to Marienplatz, and to the Residenz for a delicious meal.

My favorites at Erlangen probably would be the taste of a pretzel with a Raddler from Kentla’s Keller Biergarten, and the coffee shop around the corner!

Back to Munich again to experience the Oktoberfest! It was incredible, so much fun… Great beer, great music and amazing food. I loved also the traditional dress code.

At last but not least… the must beautiful views!!! Bamberg and Nuremberg

From one Corner of Mexico, to one Corner of Bamberg!!!